Harnessing the Power of Algae for a Greener Future

Revolutionizing Carbon Capture and Redefining Sustainability

Can CO2 Be Gold?

From airbrone threat to sustainable treasure

Envision a future where urban landscape thrive on fresh, pure air instead of smog. Picture a world where carbon dioxide isn't a lingering threat in our atmosphere but a resource transformed into valuable biomass, driving a sustainable tomorrow. Welcome to groundbreaking vision of ZAARA BIOTECH, where our innovative bioreactor marks the beginning of this transformative journey


Zara Biotech's Carbon Reduction Project

OBELIA project by Zaara Biotech is a transformative initiative focused on sustainable carbon emission reduction through the integration of nature and technology. Comprising two distinct systems, OBELIA 1.1 caters to indoor spaces under 500L, while OBELIA 2.1 addresses outdoor public areas. At the heart of OBELIA's environmental impact lies, algal technology, which serves as a catalyst for environmental progress, not only enhancing air purification efficiency but also playing a pivotal role in creating a more sustainable ecosystem by converting carbon emissions into valuable resources.

Obelia 1.1

Where CO2 becomes tomorrows sustainable bounty.

Obelia 1.1 is an air purification system that redefines indoor environments by merging advanced technology with

natural principles to elevate air quality, minimize CO2 emissions, and foster sustainability.

Reducing Carbon Footprint:

By utilizing LED-driven continuous photosynthesis and absorbing carbon dioxide from the indoor space, Obelia 1.1 generates oxygen, emulating the advantages equivalent tp those provided by 3666 Indoor Plants.

Mental Wellbeing:

Addressing CO2 and VOCs, often overlooked by typical purifiers, Obelia 1.1 combats indoor pollutants, averting symptoms of sick building syndrome like headaches, asthma, allergies, brainfog, and enhancing mental clarity.

Resource Recovery:

Generating 60kg of CO2 absorption annually, Obelia 1.1 produces 33.3kg of biomass which can be repurposed for food production, fertilizer, feeds, and cosmetics. This enables Obelia to act as pivotal engine for the cycle.

Customized Designs & Aesthetic Integration:

Tailored to diverse environments, the design of OBELIA 1.1, inspired by bioarchitecture, provides aesthetic charm, optical clarity, and structural flexibility, ensuring adaptability in various spaces.

Ease of Maintenance:

A streamlined Maintenance with an automated filtration system and magnetic cleaning with minimal attention. it includes algae and nutrient mediums, along with an Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) featuring training for clients and ensuring easy use at client locations.

Our Speciality Clinic

International Medical College Hospital a bed multispecialty tertiary care referral hospital with Outpatient and Inpatient services. It has world-class treatment

Commercial Buildings

Creating healthier workspacesin offices, co-working spaces and corporate environments.

Hotels and Resorts

Offering guests a refreshing indoor environment and showcasing a commitment to sustainability.

Gyms and Fitness Centers

Promoting a healthier environment for exercise and workouts, complementing the emphasis on well-being

Theaters and Entertainment Venues

Enhancing indoor air quality for patrons during perfomences or events.

Museums and Art Galleries

Contributing to a cleaner atmosphere for visitors while adding an aesthetic element to cultural spaces.

Educational Institutions

Promoting a healthier learning environment in schools, colleges, and universities

Obelia 2.1

CO2 to bounty: Fueling the future, one breath at a time.

Obelia 2.1 is an outdoor oxygen bar designed to revolutionize outdoor environments. In countries contending with persistent microclimate issues and heightened carbon emissions, the conventional struggle for tree growth persists, exacerbated by limited space in urban areas. OBELIA 2.1, utilizing algal technology, represents a pivotal advancement in addressing these challenges and fostering sustainable greenery in such demanding circumstances. Thus OBELIA 2.1 goes beyond mere CO2 reduction; it stands out by creating a transformative impact on communities as well.

Reducing Carbon Emission:

By utilizing LED-driven continuous photosynthesis nad absorbing carbon dioxide from the indoor space, Obelia 1.1 generates oxygen, emulating the advantages equivalent tp those provided by 3666 Indoor Plants.

Contributing to Circular Economy:

The captured CO2 isn't just locked away; it's transformed into 45.4kg of valuable biomass, paving the way for sustainable production of food such as cookies that comes under the brand of b-lite cookies.

Biomonitoring System:

It incorporates IOT technology to monitor bio-processes efficiently. It is equipped with sensors for CO2, pH levels, and temperature. It collects data at two-minute intervals. Additionally, the system intelligently activates lights during nighttime, enhancing Photosynthetic efficiency seamlessly.

Water Circulation Systems:

Algae require water for growth, so OBELIA include mechanisms for water circulation to maintain optimal conditions for algae cultivation.

Sustainability and Cost Effectiveness:

Obelia 2.1 Features a strong metal support frame, highlighting durability and eco-friendliness through the use of 140kg recycled plastic waste in its fabrication materials.

Obelia 2.1

Implementation Areas

Street Lights:

Perfect for townships, gated communities, and local government establishments providing cool dynamic lighting.

Park Benches:

Ideal for parks, gardens, and communities offering well-lit areas at night and relaxation spots.

Waiting Sheds:

Suitable for townroads, highways, and urban areas providing shaded waiting areas, well-lit spaces at night, and advertising opportunities.

Micro Cafes and Mini-Stores:

Enhance the customer experience, aesthetics, and sustainability initiatives perfect for parks, townships, and institutions. Offers recreational spaces, advertising spots, and well-lit environments.

General Public Areas (1000 - 2000 liters):

Ideal for all public spaces, ensuring periodic maintenance, advertising spaces, and well-lit environments.


Algae Growth Cycle and Maintenance

Obelia 1.1

OBELIA 1.1 is implemented in Specific indoor areas with a controlled environment. The design and internal devices are minimized due to the controlled area of implementation, and the company will train the housekeeping staff to maintain the device. In indoor reactors, the algae will complete its life cycle within 14 days and filter by switching on the pump up to 3 hours for complete filtration. For each harvesting, nutrient top-up will be performed, and every three months , a complete water change will be enabled. The collected algae are utilized for client purposes according to the utilization chart provided by the company

Obelia 2.1

OBELIA 2.1 is comprehensively maintained by the company, with continuous monitoring using IoT-enabled gateway systems in the control center. The carbon absorption rate and filtration mechanism recorded at the center with a sophisticated control unit. The Algae culturing medium can be replaced every three months, and a monthly top-up of chemicals will be performed for potent growth. Monthly the service team will collect the algae and process it for utilization in the value-added product range

Join The Algae Revolution

Emprace the power of nature's unsung heroes. Choose Obelia and be a part of the solution, one liquid tree at a time. Breathe easy knowing you're making adifference for our planet.

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